Something every Boomer should know about READING

From Lumosity, a brain-training APP/online tool: “Researchers from the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging took brain scans of several literary PhD students as they read a chapter from Mansfield Park. First, the PhD students were asked to read the book casually, for fun. Then students were asked to switch to a critical reading mode similar to how they might analyze it in a literature classroom

This switch in reading modes created a significant shift in brain activity patternson fMRI scans. Casual reading activated pleasure centers while critical reading increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for the executive functions heavily involved in attending to tasks like reading.

Executive function is responsible for more than just attentive reading: this brain function helps moderate how you divide your attention, use your working memory, and generally direct your brainpower. It plays a powerful role in decision-making.

While the findings of the Stanford study are preliminary, they make a good case for further research on the impact of reading on cognition. Philips posits that critical reading could serve as a type of training, “teaching us to modulate our concentration.”

There is other evidence that reading can be good for your brain. A 2007 study from the Center for Occupational and Environmental Neurology found that avid readers benefited from an increased cognitive reserve. Cognitive reserve is the concept that challenging intellectual activity — like reading or brain training — can protect the brain against negative cognitive impacts later in life.

The studies on reading indicate that investing in intellectually challenging habits as early as possible can benefit your brain over the long term.”

I think every Boomer can agree. And every parent should get their kids reading!!!

Another Thing: The Feds say EVERY BOOMER should get tested for Hep C!

Apparently, one in every 30 Boomers has Hep C and doesn’t even know it. It doesn’t show up on a normal blood test–you have to ask for it. It can cause liver cancer, and other fatal problems. I guess there is a treatment, or they wouldn’t bother nagging us about this. This is from the CDC, so I would take it seriously.
So do it.